The Go-Giver Retreat – Even more nuggets…

Have you ever been to a conference touting terrific speakers? Have you ever gone home thinking that at least one of the speakers left you wanting more? I have. Actually, I have at every conference I’ve attended…until The Go-Giver Retreat last weekend.

As mentioned in my first blog on the Retreat – starting the event by spending a day with all of the Go-Giver coaches continues to be a highlight. Dondi Scumaci and Larry Winget rocked. The other speakers had a high hurdle to reach….and they did.

Fascinating. That not only describes Sally Hogshead the person….it sums up her talk. The attention span today for most of us is 9 seconds…that’s  :09. How in the world can someone make an impact in any setting, much less at a business event in nine seconds? Simple. Be fascinating. You need to make the most of that nine seconds. Sally’s first point is to realize that you don’t learn how to be fascinating, you unlearn being boring. Our minds are ‘hard wired’ not only to fascinate but to be fascinating. Her “49 Personality Archetypes” not only helps you discover how you become fascinating (less boring) it is a fascinating process unto itself. My advice is that you check it out. Sally’s case study from an on-line dating story is uniquely wonderful and you guessed it – fascinating. That is one best told by Sally herself…I hope you get that opportunity.

Mark Sanborn is known for small books which are easy and quick reads. The depth and richness and knowledge those ‘little’ books deliver, however, is enormous. The book for which he is best known is The Fred Factor. If you haven’t read it – do. If you have, you will be thrilled to know that Mark is working on Fred 2.0 and he wants you to submit your stories…yours may just be included.  While he writes small books, he delivers massive insights, provokes tremendous thinking and wraps it all up in humor and style. (It’s no wonder he has CPAE behind his name).

There’s simply no way I can even attempt to communicate all of the nuggets from Mark’s I’ll share one of the biggest takeaways for me. WWTLL? Yep, that’s it, WWTLL? Ask yourself – ask others – “What would that look like?” Explore potential. Look at possibilities. Vision the outcome. This simple question allows us to see our own vision and to better understand what others seek. Just like his books….a seemingly small acronym provided me with huge impact.

Here’s irony for you. Terry Brock is a Relationship Marketing Expert and a social media savant. Terry delivered so much amazing content, tools and perspective on social media that I had to quit tweeting in order to capture it all. Here’s a list of Terry’s suggestions to get the most from your social media efforts.

  1. Determine your goals
  2. Start with baby steps
  3. Get the right tools
  4. Play well with others
  5. Be flexible

Come to think of it, that makes sense for business in general! 🙂

But wait, there’s more……..which I’ll get to in the next installment of Sharing Nuggets from the Go-Giver Retreat.


Coach, International Speaker and Thought Partner - Bill’s mission is to add value to the world – one brand at a time. Bill guides individuals and companies alike in building what he refers to as a ‘fearless brand’. This is the process of discovering, embracing and delivering their greatest value – which allows them to realize greater profit. Read More

3 comments on “The Go-Giver Retreat – Even more nuggets…
  1. what a great recap of an awesome event!!!!

  2. Doug Wagner says:

    Great recap. I feel like I am there again. I’ve been so busy since I got back I haven’t had much chance to review my notes and apply everything. I am sure when I do I will come up with a few posts of my own to continue the theme. Look forward to part 3.

  3. Tara Rogers says:

    Second installment’s as great as the first – and look forward to the third… A great opportunity for us all to relive this great weekend. Thanks!

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