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Thoughts Become Things – (Some Assembly Required)

Mike Dooley

The decade of the 1960’s was a dynamic time in the U.S. The decade began with President Kennedy announcing his “New Frontier” domestic policy. Kennedy was assassinated and followed by Lyndon Johnson whose vision was to create “The Great Society”.

Friday's Fearless Brand Personal Branding

It’s Good to Be King – of All Media

Howard Stern

It must have been cool that his father owned a recording studio in New York. It is also quite cool that he knew early in life what he wanted to do in the future. As a young boy he was able to

Friday's Fearless Brand

Bruce Clithero

In the past two weeks Friday’s Fearless Brands have both been well known and delivered far reaching impact.  ‘Madiba’ – Nelson Mandela – united a sorely divided country. His efforts reached well beyond geographic boundaries and touched the entire world.

Friday's Fearless Brand

Nelson Mandela – Activist, Statesman, Fighter for Social Justice, Leader, Icon

Nelson Mandela - Madiba

He is affectionately called Tata (Father) by millions of South Africans and is known as the Father of the Rainbow Nation. He has received hundreds of awards and honors including the U.S. Presidential Medal of Freedom and the Soviet Order of Lenin.

Friday's Fearless Brand

Achieving Success or Five Steps (+1) to Paradise

Recently I was sitting on the veranda of a bungalow in Sri Lanka. I was taking in the scenery – beautiful greenery, flowers, the pool – all of the rustic serenity this retreat resort provided. Warm breezes carried the sounds


Dr. King Had a Dream – Do You?

The “I Have A Dream” speech from Martin Luther King Jr. is without a doubt one of the most powerful and impactful oratories in our country’s history. Dr. King was a man of passion, conviction and vision. It was his


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